If you are asked to supply a Debug ID, it is so we can locate your iOS device within our system, please do the following steps:
1) Download the app of your choice.
2) Select "Free Preview" instead of "Purchase" for your island.
3) Let the app fully download WiFi or LTE is fine. This should only take a few minutes.
4) Once fully loaded, go to home page > more > then find Debug ID in the list > swipe on it.
5) That will open an email to send to us, please sign your name. You may also copy and paste the Debug ID into a separate email and send to us that way.
6) Your Debug ID will look something like this:
* Please note: Debug IDs are tied to your single specific device. So any app installed via a Debug ID (through our system) will not be shareable or transferable to any other device. If you need further assistance, please contact us at app@revealedtravelguides.com
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